v6.0 [Dec 22, 2015]
Feature>Indexer Search Added search-able characters: Ä,Ö,Ü,ä,ö,ü (thanks Ferdinand).
Feature>Indexer Search Added default text search extension: .json
Feature>Search Improved Text AutoComplete word matching (more relevent AutoComplete matches).
Feature>FileViewer Auto-jump into Find mode when a user highlights text, for an experience more similar to Notepad (e.g. Selected text is instantly highlighted throughout the file).
Feature>FileViewer Allow the user to highlight-text to select (similar to Notepad ).
Feature>FileViewer Show relative match(es) position (for both Ctrl F and TextSearch modes) via area adjacent to Vertical scroll bar (similar to Chrome).
Feature>Indexer Prompt to re-use custom Paths or OmitFolders upon full re-installation.
Feature>Config When Paths (SettingPath.cus) or Omit folders (SettingOmit.cus) have changed, serialize to install folder (to streamline full index rebuild/install).
Optimization>Indexer Improved performance when deleting and adding directories having similar files. Previously slow (delete, promote, delete) cycles may have occurred in series. Now we promote to the latest ID to decrease deduplication promote/delete churn (fix is a simple ORDER BY change).
Optimization>Combos Don't create Cue font, if Cue text is not set for the control (e.g. most combos).
Optimization Smaller installer size due to coalescing dll-based unzip code directly into mobase.dll/CDocxMgr, which results in removal of a big chunk of unneeded logic.
Bug>All When indexing/reindexing/searching, gradual Database corruption led to cryptic database errors obscuring root cause. Fix is to synchronize Index writes across all threads processes (6.x issue).
Bug>Indexer Possible buffer overrun resulting in crash for file types: docx, jar, odp, odt, pages zip (all versions, longstanding, very rare: seen once)
Bug>Indexer Could not index a child folder (e.g. X:\photos) if the root folder (X:\) wasn't included (longstanding, multiple versions).
Bug>Indexer Error when renaming a folder in Windows: Value violated the integrity constraints for a column or table. (longstanding, rare).
Bug>Indexer In install, could not set a single path if was not a root folder such as X:\photo (longstanding).
Bug>Fileviewer Wrong color (e.g. yellow) was sometimes used to highlight matching/selected text (e.g. blue).
Bug>Fileviewer Multiple lines of matched text incorrectly rendered on 1 line. Now each line of matching/selected text properly renders on the correct line (6.x issue).
Bug>FileViewer When only one match is found, show [No Other Matches] instead of [Text Not Found] in yellow footer.
Bug>Fileviewer Wrong text color used in buttons upon mouse-over. For example, integrated find [Options] and [x] buttons text color now remains black (Were turning white, and largely illegible - fix in MDialog::_CreateButton).
Bug>Search Multiple consecutive spaces or wordbreak characters resulted in AutoComplete not showing valid words (6.x issue).
Bug>Search Error when attempting to add Key Word already present in index (6.x issue).
Bug>Database Removed prepared query support to reduce occurrences of rare database errors (6.x issue).
Bug>Database Add query lock/release mutex to reduce occurrence of rare database errors (6.x issue).
Bug>Database Error reported in log files: SUM(SizeKB), which is actually not an error.
Bug>Patch Don't show an error when including new TextIndex file type(s), if the file type was already included by the user.
Etc>Search When trial period expires, auto-show license dialog at most every 2 seconds when performing an auto search (before we were showing every keystroke).
Etc>Search Slightly tweaked ranking, to be a bit more biased to Hits and HitsDensity.
Etc>Diag In log, include database current internal-version when logging [Patch_1 Start].
Cleanup>Etc more dead code removal and smaller optimization.
v5.6 [Feb 3, 2015]
- Feature Fileviewer integrated Find (F3, Ctrl-f) simplifies finding specific words in a document and underlines matching words as your type. Makes find-in-file more fluid! (finally)
- Feature During SQLCE Compact, progress bar with estimated time remaining, more thorough Compaction, and increased cancel button responsiveness.
- Feature When full path\file is pasted into Search path or file, the path and file are auto-split into appropriate search boxes upon searching.
- Feature Paste and explore a folder via the Search path combo, then Explore [//] button
- Feature Added [Sort Lines Alphabetical] to FileViewer, which sorts the current file's lines alphabetical.
- Feature Exploration, research and foundation tests for *possible* future support SQL 2014 Hekaton (e.g. IsHekatonEnabled) But... currently not supported because performance in Mo-Search workflows don't increase enough, and much more RAM is needed.
- Feature When searching purely by Filename and/or Path (e.g. search does not include Text), your results are now ranked too
- Feature FileAnalyzer can now be launched from the command line
- Feature FileAnalyzer is now hooked into the AboutDialog, for 1 button-click analysis of Mo-Search log files
- Feature Now F3 (find next) and Ctrl-f (open Find dialog) work in FileViewer even when focus is on other controls, such as the results List.
- Feature Explore mode, right-click on Computer now displays common Window actions such as: Display (adjust Display properties), Network (view Network), Power, System, User.
- Feature Improved tokenizing searching of files and paths (using same logic that word breaks in Search fields)
- Feature Search browse-to and Explore browse-to both provide a list of context sensitive destination folders (selected file in FileViewer, selected folder in Search path, and selected folder in Explore tree).
- Feature Improved indexing of mapped network drives - when mapped drive is offline, attempt to bring online and if not possible we gracefully skip that drive. Previously files on that drive were likely removed from the index. (longstanding)
- Feature Explore mode, improved exploring viewing of files on mapped network drives - when mapped drive is offline, we try to bring online and if not possible show an informative message in FileViewer (longstanding)
- Feature Improved detection of mapped network drives during installation (and Set Defaults) - when mapped drive is offline, we try to bring online (longstanding)
- Feature Logging of mapped drive detection details (diag)
- Feature FileChangeLogging (fcl), configured via registry to see what files are changing, and how often during manual reindex
- Feature Fcl log when deleting Paths (and remove path from maps)
- Feature Default inclusion of .css full text files (longstanding - previously set as a noise file by default)
- Feature Default inclusion of .rtf full text files, since iFilter does a much better job than it did back in 2007 when it excluded as a noise file.
- Feature AutoIndexer, improved UI layout and new buttons: Indexed words list, Explore file/folder, Properties for file/folder, AutoScroll enable/disable. Also consolidated minimize hide buttons into a single minimize button.
- Feature AutoIndexer, Right-click on indexed file for shell right-click menu (previous versions had a small list of Mo-Search action, and no shell actions)
- Feature FileDuplicates, increased max number of duplicates-per-file from about 500 to about 2000 (that is 2000 files all exactly matching each other)
- Bug Upper/lower case is preserved for indexed filenames and paths (longstanding issue!)
- Bug The Text Indexer could experience an uncaught exception resulting in that indexer going offline. Until the application (or AutoIndexer) was restarted no further files could be opened with the Text Indexer (rare regression in 5.5.0)
- Bug Explore mode, Open Containing folder now properly launches Windows Explorer on that folder (since 4.x: upon click... nothing would happen)
- Bug Query diagnostics window fix: When [Show Diagnostics] is enabled: switching through modes [Search], [Explore], [Search] caused the query diagnostics window to disappear (common)
- Bug Search FileType filter drop down caused wrong Relevance to show (rare 5.5.0 regression)
- Bug Searching for wildcards caused Relevance to not display (common 5.5.0 regression)
- Bug When [Search Acceleration] was enabled: cache-miss may have resulted in no Search results (rare 5.5.0 regression). Now instead of failing, single-rows are loaded on-demand into cache.
- Bug Memory leak when search failed (rare longstanding)
- Bug FindDuplicates tool: the [Export Results] button didn't reposition when the screen was resized/maximized resulting in the button becoming hidden (common since button added in 5.5.0)
- Bug Search Browse-to button would not expand the destination folder when it didn't contain children folders (longstanding)
- Bug If a deleted, moved or renamed file was cached, an invalid ID may be referenced in a search, resulting in the search failing (rare regression in 5.5.0)
- Bug AutoIndex, only show one exit confirmation dialog (longstanding, could have multiple - once for each user exit click from system tray)
- Bug Fileviewer, Under certain conditions the yellow footer (partial text loaded...) may display when the full text successfully loaded (regression in 5.5.0)
- Bug Fileviewer, When a file fails to load and error text displays details, clicking in the FileViewer caused error text to disappear (longstanding)
- Bug Search: when [Search Acceleration] is enabled, filtering by extension may lead to "Error [Open: ...]"
- Bug Explore mode: selecting a file and pressing [Indexed Words List..] button, no words were listed. (longstanding)
- Cleanup Fileviewer, improved vertical screen centering on text in find next/previous.
- Cleanup FileAnalyzer now rolls up all Files frequency analysis to the top of the report (previously you had to scroll to the very bottom, which was cumbersome for large reports)
- Cleanup Removed tooltip for unsupported Search Text operator [-]
- Cleanup Query diagnostics window fix: Larger size to more easily view diagnostics text
- Cleanup [Search Cache] renamed to [Search Acceleration] as to enable/disable 5.5.x Caching plus 5.6.x search acceleration optimizations.
- Cleanup Standardized partial-loading message text across different file types and Indexers.
- Cleanup Consolidated About box into Options dialog, which makes navigating between About and other Options screen much more fluid.
- Cleanup Searches for 1-letter words has always been ignored, but now the search UI tells you the word was ignored (all previous versions ignored these, but you weren't informed)
- Cleanup Progress Dialog displays a simplified overall estimate (e.g. if Minutes remain, then estimated Seconds are not shown). This decreases time remaining estimate wandering.
- Cleanup In various places files Size now display in TB when appropriate
- Cleanup Increased maximum upper limit of files returned in a search from 20k to 40k (default is still 5k)
- Cleanup Reduced logging when updating statistics does not do any actual work.
- Cleanup Don't full text index contents of tlog files, as these are often noise and change often (visual studio build log file type)
- Cleanup Don't full text index contents of xlt files, as these can be noise, and not strictly used by Excel.
- Cleanup Consolidated logic between search UI and AutoIndexer engine, to both use the same logic for Omit Folders. (more consistency between search UI autoIndexer engine)
- Cleanup By default exclude Synology recycling bin (#Recycle)
- Cleanup When Search returns files with all the same score, files are sorted by location
- Cleanup Reduced screen draw flashing when launching Reindex from menu bar (Tools > Reindex) on search screen (moved index lock acquisition into search screen)
- Cleanup Slightly tweaked buttons appearance (general blue theme, and increased shadowing for sticky/checkbox buttons)
- Cleanup Smaller tweaks, typos, misspellings, removed dead code, bugs and optimizations
- Optimization Faster indexing during initial index build (ModN), plus when adding many files into an existing index (approx 10% faster than 5.5.0)
- Optimization AutoIndexer: Efficiently handle File and Folder renames (e.g. rename row(s) in Db, plus update/invalidate caches)
- Optimization AutoIndexer automatically updates stale SQLCE database statistics hourly (previously only done upon manual re-index) and displays details in the AutoIndexer History list.
- Optimization Faster searching of some wildcards due to QueryPlan accommodating double the number of PlanIDs.
- Optimization Faster folder navigation in Explore mode.
- Optimization Faster file extension searching when [Search Acceleration] is enabled: Expensive URI table scans converted into ExtID lookup QueryPlans, which are faster on most extensions (note: Very un-selective/common extensions may results in slightly lower performance - to address in future release)
- Optimization When [Search Acceleration] was enabled: cache-miss resulted in slow search (5.5.0 regression, rare).
- Optimization Slighter faster word breaking by removing unneeded slow code, resulting is faster indexing/file parsing.
- Optimization Explore mode now navigates files/folder faster (optimized compression/encryption checking)
- Optimization Slightly faster internal string sorting (less branching)
- Optimization Slightly faster indexing into SQL Server engine (new stored procedures)
- Optimization AutoIndexer, more small performance increases.
- Optimization FileDuplicates up to 2x faster scanning in Binary Compare Engine
v4.0 [Jun 24, 2011]
Bug: User canceling from Patch results in spurious error message: "Patch Execution Encountered an Issue" (longstanding issue)
Bug: Indexing failure for world regions having a date/time format different from US standard, such as Russia: dd.MM.yyyy (regression in 4.0.10)
Bug: Indexing failure when a file extension contains an apostrophe (longstanding)
Bug: Find Dup Files crash lacked the completed callstack (longstanding, thanks Рюмин)
Optimization: Smaller indexing optimizations (reduced SQLCE deparameterization for common INSERTs/UPDATEs)
Cleanup: Integrated patch Downloader screen with patch Installer
Cleanup: Revised AutoIndex taskbar menu for simplified improved usability
Search files and folders in various formats on local drives and removable drives.